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“These are all our children. We will profit by, or pay for, whatever they become.” James Baldwin

Unleash the Genius Reading Initiative is a campaign to help expand the love for reading among children between the ages of 0-18. We hope to establish the importance of reading books written by Black, Asian, Latinx, and Indigenous authors. With this initiative, we want to serve our community by helping to engage with children by creating a fun way to endorse the love of reading. Exposing children to diverse books written by authors of color will allow them to identify with characters and stories similar to their lives, as well as broaden their worldview.

In 2020, we partnered with Eccleston Elementary school teacher Briana Jones in our inaugural launch. Thanks to numerous contributors, we raised $1,500 to supply each student with a personal Unleash the Genius Kit. Each box came with a personal copy of GHOST by Jason Reynolds, a reading journal for digital classroom discussions, bookmark, pencil, and stickers. In addition, Ms. Jones received a classroom set of the Ghost series, an audiobook, and a teaching kit for the novel. Eccleston's school library also received copies for kids to checkout.  During the school year we held book club meetings with a read-along activity and discussion of the novel.

2023 is full of promise and possibility. Please help us to continue the vision of providing books to students by donating to our campaign.

Thank you in advance for taking the time to consider giving back to the community. Please continue to share this campaign page with your friends, families and networks. We know that you are willing to help make our world better, one child at a time.

Dennie Wang & Veronica Smith
Founders of Vulgar Geniuses, LLC

Make a donation today.